The ADHD Crisis: Medication Shortages

Many children and adults suffer with symptoms of ADHD. Medications can make a huge difference for these patients, yet there is an ongoing shortage of commonly prescribed medications to treat this condition. Below is an excerpt from my interview with MD Linx to discuss the Adderall shortage. (The full link is at the bottom).

“But for patients with valid prescriptions who are turned away altogether, the consequences can be dire, Turner says. “This [can be] outright dangerous. It's well known…that people with untreated ADHD are at higher risk of traffic accidents, substance abuse, and other consequences.”

Turner thinks that the shortage is a mental health crisis. “For individuals suffering from a lack of treatment, this situation as a crisis. The uncertainty of when this issue will be resolved is one of the most frustrating parts.”

To read the full article: click here.

If you have further questions please contact me: click here.


Dr. Turner is featured in Canvas Rebel online magazine


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