Why “Mental Health Days” Should Be Mandatory

Full time employees are often offered a benefit package that includes paid time off for holidays, sick days and vacation days. But what about the ever important mental health day? In my opinion, we must normalize mental health days!

What Is A Mental Health Day?

A mental health day is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a day (or perhaps half day), that you dedicate to doing something just for you. You take time off from your usual day to day responsibilities and instead, simply focus on something that will make you feel good!

Benefits of Mental Health Days

Research indicates there are many benefits to taking mental health days such as: decreased burn out and improved resiliency. Ironic though it may sound, taking mental health days has actually been show to improve productivity at work and DECREASE absences at work over time.

Seriously, Do It!

My advice? Pick a day and schedule it. Do whatever makes you happy, especially if it’s something you often don’t make time to do. Ideas to consider are getting a massage, finally taking that yoga class, or going for a walk in nature.

In Conclusion

Many companies don’t offer specific days that are ear marked for mental health or overall wellness. I would argue, that they should! Employees should not be left wondering if a simple day that is needed for recharging should be deducted from their pool of vacation vs. sick days. Mental health is stigmatized enough as is. If you are in a leadership position with your current employer, I urge you to consider being a part of the solution. Offer mental health days to your employees.

If you feel like taking a day off to relax and decompress will not be enough to reboot your mental health, consider speaking with a trusted psychiatrist. Please contact me: click here.

Mental health days would be a valuable asset for companies to adopt

Contact Dr. Turner: Click Here


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